Changing lives one child at a time …
We are funded entirely by donations. Every single gift, no matter how large or small, makes a life-changing impact because we keep administrative overhead costs to a bare minimum.
This allows us to ensure that more than 95% of all donations go directly to patient care.
No one in our organization or any volunteers receive payment for their services or time. This allows us to ensure that all money given to us directly serves our patients. Donations pay for volunteer travel, medical supplies, shipping, and any necessary permits and/or fees. Only 1% of funds go to marketing programs such as maintaining our web site or raising fundraiser awareness. To date, most of our participating surgeons still pay their own way on a mission, to further give to this cause.
Hands Across the World is truly unique in this way!
You can make a true impact and change a child’s life with your donation!
$275.00 = surgery for one child
$550 = surgeries for two children
$1,000 = cost to send one volunteer on a mission for 10 days (room, board, airfare)
Consider a monthly donation!
We are a 501 (c)(3) organization, tax ID # 20-3813940. Donations are tax deductible.
You may also donate by calling 508.655.5792 or mailing a check to:
Hands Across the World
48 Maple Street
Sherborn, MA 01770.
Upcoming Fundraiser
Typically, we host a fundraiser every three years. Due to COVID, we have not held an event in five years! Help us make up for lost time.
Please join us at a heartwarming, intimate event Saturday, September 17th
5:00 Cocktail Reception
6:30 Grand Craft Buffet by Farm to Fork Catering
8:00 Auction
Park at the Unitarian Universalist Area Church for two minute shuttle to the event.
Unitarian Universalist Area Church
11 Washington Street
Sherborn, MA 01770
Our Sponsors
We especially want to thank and highlight these sponsors of HAW and individuals who have been so generous to our organization:
Bose Corporation
A.M. DePrisco Wellesley
Mystic River Contracting
Columbus Hospitality Group
Talia Don Jewelry
BKB & Co.
Ann Christensen
Gold-Level Individuals:
Tom & Phyllis Froeschle
Robert & Donna Maresca
Charlotte and Mark Constantian, M.D.
Ursula Bose
Judy Bose
Prema Bose
Phil D’amato
Joe Upton, M.D.
Noah Lovitz-Wolfson
Dan & Dot Grady
Christa Geheran
Jan Wright
Peter Hadden
Laura Schroeder
Maureen Romaine
Mark Cahill
Mary Beth and Scott Litofsky, M.D.
Keith Kerrigan
Dan Rich
We are a registered AmazonSmile charity!
Use this Amazon link when you shop and make Hands Across the World your designated charity
Amazon donates 0.5% of your shopping dollars to our organization with every eligible penny you spend